
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Morning 6:40

That's the plan.  To roll out of here around 6:40, arriving around 7AM at the flea market.  Our plan?  Well, mainly to sell our old home-school books, many of which are "like new" - and were creeping up and down the stairs of our home like a Morning Glory vine!  We're also taking some miscellaneous home goods, a lawn mower, and random computer pieces-parts -- or as much of this stuff as our little rented outdoor space will allow.

Don't laugh, but... I'm kind of excited.  And though it'll be nice if we come home with a little extra cash, it's extra-nice that we have reclaimed some real estate within the walls of our own home, if you know what I mean.  {Can I get an AMEN?}

So, I hope to come back on Monday, and tell you about a totally new kind of adventure at the flea market!  The humidity of this week is supposed to go away, and it's supposed to be a partly-cloudy day.  But most importantly to ME (the book lady)... 0% chance of rain.  Go ahead.  You can say AMEN again if you're feelin' it.

So, ta-ta for now.  Hoping to share a good experience with you come Monday -- and maybe some pictures and a interesting story or two!


  1. Have fun! I hope it goes well. One of these Saturday mornings I'm going to make it out to the flea market. I had hoped it might be today, but sadly, my Saturday has been planned for me again.

  2. Wishing you luck on your sale. I have entire garage full of homeschool books from friends that I am selling, and get to keep most of the proceeds. I've been listing on eBay. Have sold over $250 so far. So much more to sell! Have a blessed weekend.

  3. After getting dumped AGAIN with rain today, I can say amen to a sunny day - or a partly cloudy one for that matter! Love your morning glory photo. Simply beautiful!


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