
Friday, August 9, 2013

Back To School Shopping

after years of homeschooling  is a funny thing.  When we homeschooled (for 12 years) we never did back-to-school shopping with the rest of the world.  Instead, some time in October when the rest of the world was in school, we would sneak out during the day and get new clothes on clearance.  New shoes in the bargain aisle, and... well, you get the idea.  We didn't buy clothes specially for back to school, because really?  Who were we trying to impress?

Yesterday, while shopping with our daughter, it struck me how "skewed" our view of back-to-school shopping really is.  We came home with lots of school supplies -- some of them very specific items that worked effectively for my girl when she started public school last year as a freshman.

The only clothes that we came home with were shorts and tank tops for a "Personal Training" class my girl will be taking.  She said she's really happy with her clothes otherwise.

So while some girls will be breaking in new shoes and jeans, and keeping new straps and necklines in check, my girl will be in her already broken in comfy stuff.  Who knows?  Maybe in October we'll go find some new things on clearance.

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