
Thursday, May 23, 2013

What's Up? ~ Sunday Gardening

I mentioned that my hubby and I were out in the yard on Sunday.  Here's what was up:



Coral Bells.

Anybody know what those purple flowers are?  I'm pretty sure that they came attached to another plant that someone shared with us.  I'll post a close-up below, and then a shot of the bud, too.  If you think you might know what it is, I'd love to know.


Asiatic Lilies!

Bleeding hearts, Delphinium, Coral Bells, and Mint underneath the fruit trees.

Rhubarb!  Some of those leaves are as big or bigger than dinner plates!

Don't tell my hubby I said this, but... it was actually kind of fun to do some badly needed weeding to isolate the "good stuff," reminding us what's what in the yard.  It's my goal to be better at weeding this summer than I was last summer.  Please, don't quote me on that, though!  *wink

So... what's up at your house?

Though I haven't mentioned it here yet, the people of Oklahoma sure have been on my mind, and in my prayers.  What has happened to them is unthinkable.  It makes me think how much I complain about weather issues -- like too much rain, or not enough, or temperatures that don't suit me.  Then I think twice, and promise myself that I'll never complain about those kind of things again.  Here is yet another reminder to me.

Today, I will be thankful... right where God has planted me.
Please continue to pray for the people of Oklahoma.

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