
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunday Skies

On Sunday, my hubby and I got a lot of gardening done.  That is... my hubby did the bulk of it.  I was a cheerleader, dreamer, planner, picture-taker, and okay... I did some weeding.

Together, we did tons of weeding, cut back the daffodils to make room for other perennials that are getting started, and cleaned up a lot of dead wood around the lilacs, blackberries, and honeysuckle.

The day was gorgeous.  While we were working (and the yard was a mess), I found myself pointing the camera upwards to capture the beauty of the sky.  I love the stunning contrast of skies and clouds, skies and trees, clouds and flowers.

These are some of the images I captured of "Sunday skies."


  1. Beautiful! Sometimes I have to remind myself to "look up." Your photos are lovely & a reminder to look up!
    Thanks Patty

    1. Thank YOU Patty. Glad you stopped by. Hope you have a great weekend!


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