
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Button House

Did you have a nice long weekend?  On Saturday, we gathered with family to celebrate Jill's birthday.  On Sunday, we had a day of worship, rest, and fun with friends.  (It was fabulous!)  On Memorial Day, we gathered with family again.  It was awesome.  Our Memorial Day Weekends are typically filled with lots of family time, and each year, I come home reminded of how blessed we are.

For Jill's birthday, I gathered a bunch of gifts: something I knew she wanted, some things I knew she'd use and enjoy for her family, and for herself, and then... I tried something crafty, too.

Around Christmas-time, I spotted THIS LITTLE BUTTON HOUSE on Pinterest, and followed the link to This Girl's Life.  (If you want a little "Christmas in May", head on over to check out her cute decorating!)  I had seen the same type of paper-mache houses at Hobby Lobby, so I was inspired to try my hand at one of these.

My version, as you can see, is not meant to be Christmas-y.

My supplies:
  • paper-mache house
  • spray paint
  • buttons of various sizes and colors
  • E-6000 adhesive
My process:
  • Remove the "lid" of the house, and spray-paint both sections inside and out.  I chose a neutral color, and think it gives a nicer finished look than the paper-mache.  (Make sure to follow the directions on the paint can, and work in a well-ventilated space.)
  • While the paint is drying, choose your buttons.  I love the monochromatic Christmas inspiration, but I'm tickled with the result of my multi-colored house as well.
  • When the paint is dry, decide on placement of buttons.  I recommend placing them before gluing them so that you can make sure you have the sizes and quantity that you need to fill the space.  (Note: I only filled the front-facing spaces on my house w/ the exception of the "flowers" under the side windows.)
  • TIP: As I glued buttons, I had the house on it's back so that the buttons could not slide as the glue dried.
My result?
  • A quirky little button house that says, "There's no place like home!"

Happy Birthday Jill!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! The button house is too cute :) Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs to you!


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