
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Show and Tell

Patty @ Lemon Lane Cottage is such an artist, as well as a generous friend.  Recently, she was holding a giveaway at her blog, and I won!  I was so tickled.  She had collected a really sweet bunch of goodies.  First of all, look at this awesome tag that she made.  Oh my gosh -- too cute!  Right down to the apron with a pocket with a button.  This one's a keeper!

Also, Patty makes these great pillow cases with vintage sheets.  You can check'em out HERE at her Etsy shop. Looks like there's only one left as I write this, so you'll want to hurry.  {Rumor has it that Patty has been creatively inspired, so there's no telling what we might find in her shop next!}

The giveaway gift also included a set of cute measuring cups (I'm already using them, but here's a peek), a sweet little bowl, a great mug, and a vintage spice grinder.  I recently saw another "grinder" like this, and it was referred to as a vintage nut meat grinder.  If you look at the grinding mechanism, it doesn't seem that it would grind spices fine enough.  Regardless, it's cute stuff, right?

I love my collection of cheerful goodies!
Thanks Patty, for your generosity!


  1. It must have been fun to open your bottle of treasures. I am also looking forward to seeing Patty's new projects.


  2. Terrific win and that tag is so sweet.

  3. Congrats, Sally, I love the card. xo


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally