
Friday, May 10, 2013

Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific!

There's no shortage of 69¢ hair care products under our bathroom sink.  I'm just sayin'.  Shop the sales, girls! Just look at those flavors fragrances!

  • Refreshing Waterfall Mist
  • Kiwi Lime Squeeze
  • Strawberries & Cream
  • Free Me Freesia

Last night, after a busy evening of baking for me, I was sitting at my desk taking a break when my daughter leaned down to kiss the top of my head and say good-night.  "Mmmm, Mama - you're hair smells really good!" she said.  I couldn't wait to see if she guessed correctly that I had used the "Kiwi Lime Squeeze" shampoo and conditioner.

And then she said, "It smells exactly like..."

wait for it...

"... pumpkin muffins!"

Wow, umm.... not really the fragrance I was going for.
I guess I should feel lucky that the smell was at least identifiable!
And... that I was actually baking pumpkin muffins.
I guess.

Oh, I just had a depressing thought.
Today, my hair will smell like Cilantro Lime Chicken.  All day.
That's what a crockpot meal will do to ya!

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