
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Art Class ~ Showcase Recognition

I told you about my daughter's last piece of artwork for the semester HERE.  It was in the school's front hallway showcase for an extended period of time, and she finally brought it home just the other day.

Abstract Self-Portrait

That's my girl!
She calls this her "Avatar" portrait.
{You can view her other projects HERE and HERE.}

     Follow me on Pinterest.


  1. So fun! Looks like you have a budding artist. Happy to be a new follower.

  2. So happy you commented on my post, Sally, so that I could find your blog. This is wonderful - I am not artist, but I love art and the creative process (art history minor in college!). I do appreciate talent!! Tell your daughter that her artwork is wonderful and her use of color is amazing!!

  3. Oh I'm thinking she is going to have a career in art somehow!! That is so awesome. I love the avatar part too. :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally