
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Note Card Party 2.20

Well, it's that time again -- Note Card Party time with Vee!  She's getting started a little early, and that's alright with me -- since I didn't get to post today.  I DID, however, get caught up on some laundry -- so that's a good thing, right?  But... you don't want to hear about my laundry, so let's get started!

Even though we've passed Valentines Day by, I decided to gather some Valentine-themed photos for you.  As usual, you can click on the photo to find it's original post.

I can't wait to see what all of you have come up with this month!


  1. Lovely Valentines all...

    It's working, Sally. For now! =D

  2. Sweet Valentine's photo cards. I love the string one! Thanks for visiting me and leaving your comment. Blessings, Pamela

  3. Hearts are in style any time of the year. The simplicity of the string heart is lovely.

  4. Love your notecards. You have a good eye for arranging things and photographing them I can see! And I too loved the string one the best! So simple but so profound!

  5. A nice theme of hearts and love for your note cards.

  6. All very pretty! I love the simplicity of the third shot:@)

  7. Wow! Is that a little seashell box? Oh, how I love it! I'm glad I'm not the only one choosing Valentines for the theme! I love your photos! Beautiful for cards!

  8. I love how you do such lovely things with the red and white thread. Beautiful. xo

  9. Pretty Valentine note cards. I love the shells and the Willow Tree Angel in the first one.

  10. These would make such pretty Valentine cards! I echo your other commenters who love the red and white string heart. It packs a visual punch. :D

  11. So pretty! I love the string heart!!

  12. I love all 4 of your great photos....especially the string heart.
    Yep, I'd buy your cards in a New York minute. :))

  13. It's never too early or too late for Valentine's! Love the string heart.

  14. Very sweet. I love the string heart! Great note cards!

  15. I "heart" these! Very creative to draw out a heart with a cord!

  16. I can't decide which note card is my favorite. I love them all.

  17. What a nice variety of hearts- all would make nice cards!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally