
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Saturday Surprise

On a recent Saturday morning, my sweet hubby and daughter headed out to run some errands.  Gallivanting, they call it.  (They crack me up!)  But -- they are quite the pair when out shopping together.  They have eyes that are better trained than mine... or something.  They usually come home with some kind of treasure.

A short while after they left, my cell phone rang.  My husband's number... my daughter calling.  "Mom, Dad wants to know if you would you be interested in some more blue canning jars?"

They were at the local flea market, and spotted a booth with the blue jars -- $2 a piece, most of them.

I said, "Sure!  Surprise me."

Surprise me, they did.  My hubby picked out this giant half-gallon jar.

Don't you love a good surprise?

1 comment:

  1. I think those kind of surprises are the most romantic! Your hubby knew what you liked and bought it for you! What a sweet blessing!


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