
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Art Class ~ Second Quarter

Well, another one of my daughter's art projects has come home.  I love this latest "Mannequin Art."  Quite an interesting technique!  In the cut-out mannequin at the bottom of the piece are things that are special to my daughter.  Her brother told her he was rather impressed with her shading technique!  (Love that.)

We have quite a gallery growing on the side of the refrigerator.  Luckily, it's the side facing my desk -- so I get to sit here and enjoy all these things daily.  But, I told my girl that we'll have to circulate a few things out of here... and perhaps frame them or do something special with them for her room.

What do you do with your [older] kids' art? -- you know, when they start taking it more seriously?  I'd love to hear some ideas!  I only have so much room on the side of my refrigerator.

In other art news... The other day, I got a text from my daughter (who was at school).  It said,

"Gahhhhh!!!!!!!  My newest art work made showcase!!!!!!"

That means it will be in the glass showcase in the hallway by the front office for an undisclosed period of time. She's pretty pleased over that -- and we're pretty proud of her.  I'll make sure to show you that one too... whenEVer it finally gets to come home to OUR gallery.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sally! Your daughter is very talented..I would definitely be placing that somewhere for all to see....I also noticed the writing...I saw "blessed" have taught her well. Blessings!


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