
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No Resolutions. No Word. No Kidding!

I mentioned in a previous post that I don't make resolutions in the new year.  However, this year, I have committed to sending out birthday cards to family and close friends.  Also, I've taken Layla's challenge.

I have had "words of the year" the last two years.  They were JOY and TRUST.  Both good words.  This year, I don't have a word.

But the other thing I will try to tackle is a 30 days/30 bags challenge issued by Jill.  She started by de-cluttering her Christmas decorations as she put them away, and ended up with a garbage bag, and half a bag to give away. The number of bags isn't as important as the process, right?

Yep.  I'm really shakin' it up so far in 2013.

How about you?  Resolutions?  Words?  Shakin' it up? *wink*


  1. I have never had a "word" before. During the Christmas season the phrase from John 1:14, "full of grace and truth," kept going through my mind as well as the line from Joy To The World..."He rules the world with truth and grace." So I have a phrase. I know I need to work on being more full of grace, but I'm a little anxious to see how the truth part plays out.

  2. No word for me this year either, just focusing on getting it done! Take care, Laura


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