
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

K - how about THIS?

{We interrupt this winter to bring you a wee bit of SPRING.}

Well, it's finally happened.  My sweet hubby is bringing home blog-post ideas -- and pictures to boot!

Apparently the seed catalogs were being passed around the office.  (Spring fever is everywhere!)  In thinking about starting seeds for a garden, somebody came up with the idea of using K-cups (you know?  from Keurig coffee makers?) to start seeds.  They use K-cups at my hubby's office, and although we don't use them at home, I know many of you do.

Here's what you end up with after your cup of coffee is made, right?

  • Peel the top label off.
  • Remove the coffee grounds.
  • Rinse the cup. (Remember, there's a hole in the bottom of the cup.  That'll come in handy for drainage!)
  • Tear out the cup's inside liner.
  • Fill with soil.
  • Plant seeds.
  • Label cups.
  • Place K-cups in recycled tray-container.
  • Water.
  • Watch grow!

You can see that they're already having success at the office!

Use a recycled take-out container to hold all of your planted K-cups.  As you water, the excess can drain out, and the container will keep it from getting on your tabletop (or desktop, as the case may be).

Through the years, the kids and I have used yogurt cups to do this -- and they take up a lot more room!  This little size would be perfect, don't you think?  I thought I'd share this post early enough to get you started on your collection of K-cups.  So far, I have two cups, from my hubby's two cups of coffee today.  I hear the cups are being recycled fast at the office, so I don't know how many more I'll get.

Let me know if you try this, and are happy with the results! -- or if you have any additional tips to add.  I'd love to hear what worked for YOU.

{And now, back to our regularly scheduled WINTER.}


  1. What a good idea! Let me know if you want me to save cups. :-)

  2. Interesting idea... love it!

  3. Great idea! Don't forget that acid loving plants like tomatoes, roses, blueberries and evergreens would love the coffee grounds!


  4. AMAZING idea! I use peat pellets at the moment cuz they're so easy and mess free. I'll have to start using the kuerig again now!

  5. This is so great! We were just talking about our garden for the summer and I was getting excited to start my indoor planting. I still have a couple months to go but this is a great way to reuse those K cups!

  6. I use yogurt cups. I think the k cups would be too small. Are you liking the size?

  7. What a great idea - I like the fact they are so small for the really small seedlings


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