
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Note Card Party 1.16

It's that time again.  Note Card Party Time at Vee's!  I'll just bet you're expecting snowy Ohio pictures... but that is not what I have in store for you today.  I haven't gotten out to take a lot of snow pictures this year, preferring to stay inside with a hot mug of tea.  And, the 50-degree temps and rain at the end of last week pretty much melted any remaining snow for a photo op.  So, I thought I'd inspire you with some colorful shots from... other seasons of life.  I hope you're not too disappointed.

Click on each of these photos to go to the original post.

You can see previous Note Card posts here:
December 2012
A Haven for Vee


  1. What a lovely bouquet you've put together for us in this cold winter day! Gorgeous flowers. True JOY!

  2. They would all make pretty note cards. My favorite is the third one.

  3. really enjoy the flower shots. so bright & cheerful for this January. my fav is the 3rd shot. take care. Merry 2013! ( :

  4. These beautiful flower photos have been very cheering! They would make terrific note cards as they are clear and crisp. (No, I don't mind the lack of snow for your cards.)

  5. OH! what beautiful notecards these would make, your photography is stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I am loving the beautiful color on this very gray day in my corner! Your photos are gorgeous!

  7. Beautiful and cheerful!

    Flowers bring joy, don't they?


  8. Your flower photos are making me long for spring! Lovely set.

  9. If I owned these note cards I'd be propping them up about the house to bring some contrast to the white, white, white world outside my window!

  10. Great photos, I love the stone with JOY written on it, that is my word for 2013!! xo

  11. This is a beautiful change from the white of winter. Gorgeous photos!! I love the dew drops on the blooms. We're getting snow here today after a mild spell. Blessings, Pamela

  12. Such lovely choices for your notecards! They are so colorful.

  13. Sally,
    Your cards are wonderful! And it is terrific how you have each one linked to the original post, plus the list of previous posts at the end.
    I do love organization!
    I also really like the attitude of your blog. Off to do some browsing while I am here!

    1. I love organization too! I wish that meant that things are always perfectly organized around here, but alas... (enter real life) =)

  14. Hi Sally
    Such a pretty set of note cards - I can tell how the bright colours warm the hearts of you all in the northern hemisphere!
    I love the chives image and mine are flowering now - so I must make a note to take some photos too to cheer up a wintry July day for me!

    It's lovely how everyone's photos are so different!

    Hope all's well at your house

    Shane ♥


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally