
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer So Far

Hope you're having a great summer, so far.  Last week, our girl worked at a Summer XP club (half-days) with other teens from our church, so I had a busy week of getting her there & back each day.  Let me tell you... that made the week FLY by!

This week, she is on a high school church youth group discipleship trip to Estes Park, Colorado.  I don't mind telling you that I'm a little jealous.  The pictures that everyone is sharing are incredible.  I'm so excited for the relationships that they will be building, first and foremost with the LORD!

Back here at home, things are moving a little slower, and I'm trying to catch up, and get some things in order. Nothing major -- just stuff that get overlooked, and piles up or gets backlogged!

I recently read (and have heard before) that though this is the most photographed generation, people don't print photos as much as they used to.  Kind of makes me want to go on tour to promote Project Life - LOL. Speaking of which... I am caught up on my scrapbooks through Memorial Day weekend of this year.  So, one of the things that I need to work on is PRINTING photos that bring me up to date, and getting them in the scrapbook.

The other day, I purchased the Project Life "Fine & Dandy" core kit.  On the way home, I happened to think that there was some kind of contest related to this kit.  Later, I looked through the kit to see if I could find any indication, and was happy to see a golden ticket smiling up at me.  It entitles me to a limited edition value kit. What a nice surprise!

As I write this, it's raining.  Again.  Did I mention that it rained the entire week of the first Summer XP?  They worked around it, but still.  At this point, I'm getting kind of anxious for vacation.  I'd like to experience rain in another state, at the very least.  Ha!  How's that for positive thinking?  Seriously though, we always say that even if the weather doesn't cooperate for vacation, we are just happy to have a change of scenery and be in a place that we love.  Storms are always more interesting at the beach anyway!

Well, that's all for now.  Back to work!
Hope it's sunny wherever you are.

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