
Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Farrago ~ 1.16.15

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words? -- specifically BLOGGING words?

I am SO THERE right now.  I am at a blogging low.  I long to post something... anything... to be present here, but people: I got nothin'.

In case you're wondering what I've been up to instead of blogging, I've been:
* drinking hot tea
* wishing the winter away
* rubbing my hands together to keep warm
* circling scarves infinitively around my neck, indoors and out
* trying to keep up with the laundry
* NOT taking pictures
* watching my hubby can applesauce
* wishing for sunshine
* working on Project Life scrapbooks for a friend
* waiting for the sun to come out, so I can take some indoor pictures
* staying home because things have been cancelled
* wishing the winter away again [and again]
* drinking more hot tea
* NOT being creative & wondering where those creative juices have gone this year?
* still drinking out of Christmas mugs
* watching my hubby can MORE applesauce
* finally putting the Christmas mugs & all of the other Christmas stragglers away
* having a friend over for lunch
* baking bread in the bread machine -- though I want to try THIS METHOD!

and last but not least:

* thinking about making a Valentine wreath for my front porch, but haven't gotten to the store for those specific supplies yet

What's new with YOU this Friday?
TGIF ~ and have a great weekend!


  1. I guess sometimes, that's just the way it is Sally and you have to go with it! The cold has taken away a lot of my motivation, too. I just can't seem to get excited about getting dressed when it's -5 outside. I'd really rather stay in my pajamas and bathrobe all snug and warm! :)

  2. That is pretty much what i did yesterday too:) but productive today making a pair of cosy pj bottoms :) have a lovely weekend :)xx

  3. I often find myself not knowing what to post. So many days life just runs one day right into the next and it all feels so very un-inspiring, though it shouldn't. I try to make myself take pictures. Blog posts are always good with more pictures, and really, those are what jog our memories when we look back on life the most. TAKE MORE PICTURES, and stop wishing the winter away. ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally