
Thursday, June 19, 2014

This Week In My Kitchen ~ 6.19.14

:: Capturing my love of food, combined with the activity of a bustling kitchen.
A weekly collection of photos from the heart of our home. ::

Joining Heather for:
[click photo to join blog hop or see rules at bottom of page]

Before we get started, let me just say this:  THANK YOU to those of you who left comments in the last week or so.  I read every one - as I always do.  Life has just been so busy lately, and though I have responded to a few comments, I just won't have the time to keep up with them the rest of this week or next. My daughter and I have been working at VBS at our church this week, and we are soon off on a little trip -- which I'll fill you in on later on. My posts have been planned out ahead of time so that I have a little window of time with my family -- and I know you all can appreciate that.  Thank you for your understanding.

And now... back to our originally scheduled blog hop...

A view FROM the kitchen window: my sweet girl grilling burgers for me!

Lining up glasses to take out to the patio at dinnertime.

Sweet potatoes.

Shredding cooked chicken from the crock pot.

Mint Chocolate Chip cookies for Father's Day.

 Veggies for roasting in foil on the grill.

Chopping celery for Skillet Beef Chop Suey.

And lest you think that only cooking and eating go on in our kitchen...  nope.  Painting too!  This is my daughter's most recent creation, as it dries.

It's simple to join in:
  • On your blog, post photos taken in your kitchen throughout the week.
  • Words aren't necessary, your photos will tell the the story. Some of us enjoy adding a few thoughts to accompany the images... the choice is yours. 
  • Feel free to grab the brief description at the top of this post, or add a few words of your own to explain the project.)
  • Link back to this post so your readers can visit This Week In My Kitchen and join in. 
  • Come back here and link up your current post (not your main blog) so we can all visit your kitchen!
  • Join me every Thursday or the occasional Thursday if that works better for you.
  • Please be sure to only link up if you are participating in this series. Thank you!


  1. What a peaceful atmosphere! Enjoy your trip, a big hug from Italy!!

  2. Oh I like you'd daughter's painting a lot - those bright and clear lines

  3. Oh I get busy! (I am reading here daily, but I can't always promise a comment.) Have a wonderful VBS this year!

  4. Everything looks soo yum! Beautiful pictures too!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally