
Monday, April 28, 2014

Gravity and Harmony

The stunning thing about last week was it's speed.  One day it was Easter Sunday, and the next [it seemed], was Soap Box Derby and Barbershop Music!  Oh, and the stuff in between?  Mind bending.

Suffice it to say that yesterday morning, I went to get clothes for church, and realized that the towels that had gone [somehow] into the washer and dryer on Tuesday were still there on Sunday morning.  Outrageous, right? I know.  I'm not proud.  Luckily, they were actually DRY.  Also, this gives you a good indication of what other laundry got done during the week.  Ummmmm, NADA.

One day of no school, three mornings and one evening of rocking babies, two knee therapy sessions for my girl, and one town-hall style meeting with our new Senior Pastor candidate will do that to a girl's week.  Oy.  That brought us to Saturday.

Saturday, is our usual adventure day -- and this time, our girl planned the adventure for us.  She is part of a small group of students at school who have prepared a Super Stock car for the Gravity Racing Challenge at Derby Downs in May.  {Their car won 1st Place last year!  See HERE.}  This year, they have a new driver who needed a practice run, and so they chose to participate in the Gravity Racing Challenge at the Cleveland track.  You guessed it!  Our adventure on Saturday took us to the Cleveland track.  The wind was really whipping up there beside Lake Erie, but it was a beautiful sunny day!

The teacher from our high school does this as a fun event for students, but there are some people/teams who are pretty intense about it!  They are usually the ones racing around like a crazy person with a time sheet in their hands, making it look like WORK.  Oh well.  To each his own.

After a meal out [hurray, says me!] and a short nap [yeehaw! says me], we were on our way again to a Barbershop Concert put on by the Derbytown Chorus that my dad is a part of.  What a fabulous night of entertainment.  Trust me when I say that it would be totally worth it to find out if you have a Barbershop Harmony Society Chapter near you -- and to make it an annual tradition to go to a local show.  You won't be disappointed!

My dad (2nd from right) with his quartet.

It was fun to see Dad's name in the program, as he won the "Barbershopper of the Year" award.  Dad [and Mom] have been singing ever since I can remember, and Jill and I have been lucky enough to be able to perform with them over the years in family musical shows, and at church -- both as a family, and in various choirs.  I'm very proud of my musical heritage.  <<Picture a dad, a mom, and two little girls, dressed in black from head to toe singing "Me and My Shadow" -- with a little black cane routine.  We were showstoppers.  Well, that might be an exaggeration, but we sure made good memories!!>>

But I digress.  Back to Dad and the nice words written about him: "to the chapter member who best exemplifies the qualities set forth in our code of ethics - those of good character, fellowship, congeniality, a love of music and harmony, and an altruistic attitude of service through the medium of barbershop harmony." -- and that's not the HALF of it, I could say to the writer of those words.  My dad is quite simply THE BEST.  Love you Dad!  Congratulations.

I hope you all had a great weekend too!!
Here's to a slower week, and getting caught up on the laundry.
What d'ya say?

Oh, and don't forget... a few more days on the giveaway!  (Click photo.)


  1. Well now I just bet you really were showstoppers! That sounds so cute! Congrats to your father. If you ever have any video...

    What fun to be in a Gravity team. It just looks so wholesome and all-American. =D

  2. Love a barbershop quartet. Love it. So fun that it's your dad too. Did you get his talent?


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