
Friday, January 24, 2014

All Good Things...

I can recall countless occasions as a child where I was SO SAD to have to leave a party, or a family gathering of some kind.  That stayed with me through my teen and college years.  I never wanted to be the one to have to leave first.  I didn't want to miss anything.  I can recall being told by my parents that all good things must come to an end.  Well obviously.  But that didn't make me any happier about it.

Dad and Jill

And then motherhood happened, and it became my job (in part), for the good of our family (and in the name of a routine bedtime), to call an end to the party.  At Grandma & Grandpa's, we would often set a five or ten minute timer reminding the kids that when it rang it was time to go home.  No arguments.  For sure our kids took after their mom when it came to not wanting to leave the party too early.

Me and Mom

This wonderful week has been a party of sorts for me.  I've been treated [by my brother-in-law and his frequent flyer miles] to a wonderful week with my sister and our parents -- my beautiful family of origin.  I've been treated by my parents to every meal that I've enjoyed this week -- just the four of us out to eat.  Just the four of us to see  not one, but TWO movies!  ("Saving Mr. Banks" and "Gravity").  Just the four of us slowing down the traffic in the aisles at The Fresh Market, trying to decide what bulk bag of delicious morsels we'd each like to bring home.  Just the four of us at Walmart (also slowing things down) deciding which bag of munchies to bring home.  Just us four laughing too loudly at some private joke.

Meanwhile, my own family has been at home, cheering me on to "have a great time!" -- all the while enduring bitter cold, inclement weather days, adjusted semester exam schedules, and dentist appointments.  Real life.

This has been a fabulous week in ways that I cannot even begin to express.  I'm so grateful for my sweet sister, and my wonderful parents who taught me that all good things must come to an end...  because the party's over, and this party-girl is headed home.

Stay tuned.  Next week, I'll share some of our adventures!


  1. What a wonderful gift given to you, the photos tell the story and of memories made to enjoy for years to come, thanks for sharing.

  2. The party may end, but the memories are forever! You are so blessed to have such a sweet family and experience such joy.


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