
Thursday, January 2, 2014

31 Days...

to get organized!  Anybody with me?  I'm following along with Peter Walsh on Facebook as he delivers daily 10 minute challenges in the month of January to help us get organized for the new year.

Yesterday he asked us to take 10 minutes to declutter one drawer in our house.  Any drawer.  I picked a drawer in my KITCHEN (I know, you're so surprised), and ended up decluttering not one, but FIVE drawers!!! One thing leads to another... you know.  This guy is very sneaky.

I started with the silverware drawer.  It wasn't too bad, but all those "extra" knives over at the side were driving me bonkers.  I have a knife block with other knives, so I could totally get rid of these (how do you get rid of KNIVES by the way?????), but my hubby is a knife snob (meaning he loves a good, sharp knife that does what it's supposed to do, and typically turns his nose up at the knives I choose for a job) -- so those knives are going nowhere... except to another drawer where they will be [I think] less in my way.

Wouldn't you know it?  One drawer turned into TWO, turned into FIVE.  The second drawer wasn't too bad either -- just needed a few things redirected, and... there are those knives (like a bad penny).

Of course, I took the opportunity to remove everything from the drawer, wipe it down, wash and dry the drawer-liner, and some things got sent to the garage sale pile.

Today, the challenge is getting rid of sweaters.  Wow.  Two instantly come to mind.  I bought them several years back on clearance after Christmas.  They weren't my favorite, but I thought I needed some sweaters for everyday around the house, and the price was right.  More than anything, that's what those sweaters did... sit around the house!!!  What was I thinking???  Boom.  Two sweaters in the Goodwill.  Maybe I'll find a few more?

You might remember that in 2012 I started the year with some weekly home organization themes, and... I'm not gonna lie.  I fell off the wagon.  Which is not to say that NO organizing was done around here that year... just that I sort of swerved off onto my own little path and pace.

Recently, I happened to see someone share Peter's post on Facebook, and I jumped back on the next bandwagon.  31 days?  I can do that, right?

I'm not going to share all of Peter's challenges.  You can follow along with him on Facebook for that -- but I do think I will share my random "little successes" here and there.  Like: yesterday, in drawer THREE, I rolled my dishtowels, and they seem to take up less space.  I think I'll leave them like this for the month, to see if they get messy and come unrolled, or if this really works.

Do you have big organizational hopes and dreams for 2014?

Do you follow along with someone (like Peter) that is your organizational inspiration?

My goal for this year?  A spring garage sale.  I've had garage sales in the past, and they are so much work... But, it's time.  TOO.  MUCH.  STUFF!  Stay tuned!


  1. Girl I've got to do this. I am just spinning my wheels on what to do first with the post wedding post holiday chaos. At least the Christmas stuff is all packed away!!

  2. Looking good! Rolling dishcloths...what a concept. Maybe I need to try that one, too!

  3. I should do this too! I have so many neglected spaces in my home!

  4. I reorganized a bunch of photo files - does that count, LOL? I've also been shredding 2012 medical records and sorting out/tossing older magazines. Gosh, the stuff just piles up.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally