
Monday, December 30, 2013

Wrapping Up Christmas

Hello friends!  I'm still here.  Christmas was wonderful, and I am enjoying these days off with my family!  Our security guard son was able to be with us for Christmas Eve AND Christmas day, and we felt so blessed.

My sweet hubby was able to use up his vacation days at the very last minute (a nice surprise for us!) which meant some extra and unexpected days of adventuring in the warm-ish fall-like weather (which I have been LOVING!)

Today, it's back to work for the guys, but my daughter and I will have a few more adventures since she doesn't return to school until the 7th -- and in the new building!!!  There is much excitement over this, let me tell you. Fingers are crossed for the grand tour next weekend!

Yesterday, we enjoyed the traditional "Waffle Day" with my extended family -- which is actually the big send-off for my parents who will be heading south for a month.  New pajamas are acceptable attire for this get-together, and lots of chocolate-chip waffles are consumed along with bacon, sausage, tropical fruit salad, coffee, and juice.

This year, because of my brother-in-law's generosity, Jill and I will be taking a week-long "sister trip" to visit with our parents during their stay in the south.  We are very excited about that, and it'll be here before we know it!!!  Good thing I've been using THIS CHRISTMAS GIFT to whittle away at those Christmas pounds!  I'm hoping it's not too much of a shocker to bring back those spring/summer clothes! --although with all of this crazy weather, perhaps I shouldn't put the cart before the horse?  Who knows what the weather will be down south in mid-January?

Are your Christmas decorations down?  Though I've put a few random things away, our tree and most of the decorations are still up.  We typically take them down on New Year's Day.  However, the way the days and work schedules are lining up, I may take the opportunity to put a few more things away while my hubby is at work today and tomorrow.  We'll see.  I don't really have an agenda.  Just rollin' with the punches -- so to speak.

I hope you have a wonderful day!  Thanks for stopping in today.  I'll be checking in here and there, but don't have anything too big planned until my girl is back in school.


  1. So glad I stumbled onto your blog once again. Always enjoy reading about family moments. I sure enjoyed my grown children this year as well as a little 2 year old grandson. I hope to have 3 by next year since my daughter in law and son are expecting their second, A GIRL!, in April and my daughter and son-in-law will start IVF after 7 failed IUIs and 1 miscarriage. I am believing God for this! Happy New Year, Sally.


  2. We took down all of our decorations today, while the Rose Bowl Parade was broadcasted on TV. I'm happy to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally