
Monday, December 16, 2013

Recipe: Cherry Delight Cookies {and a Christmas Cookie Exchange!}

These cookies hold deep memories for me, having made them with a dear friend from church years ago.  I will remember her always -- her Christmas spirit, her wonderful laugh, her constant friendship -- and I'm so glad that I have some of her recipes to remember her by!

My family is NOT a fan of coconut, and so these cookies don't get made very often, as I am the only one who will eat them around here.  I remember making them one year as a young mom.  When I realized that nobody else would eat them, I froze them, and had a daily treat for myself for a long time!  (Your loss dear Family!)

I couldn't resist making them this year, and I'd like to share the recipe with you.  Cherry Delight Cookies are a rich, cherry-almond treat!  {I love that combo, don't you?}  Enjoy!

Helen's Cherry Delight Cookies 

½ cup margarine
½ cup sugar
1 egg
½ tsp. almond extract
1¼ cups flour
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. baking powder
2 T. chopped maraschino cherries
1 cup shredded coconut

In a mixer, cream together margarine and sugar.  Blend in egg and almond extract.  Mix well.  Add flour, salt, and baking powder.  Blend in chopped cherries and coconut by hand.  Drop by teaspoonfuls on baking sheet. Top each cookie with half of a cherry (like a thumbprint).  Bake at 375F for 10-12 minutes or until set up. They won't brown much on top, but you'll see the coconut around the edges getting brown.  (Makes about 2 dozen.)

Today, I'm linking up with Edie for an Online Christmas Cookie Exchange.  I hope you'll stop by and check out the submissions.  Who knows?  You might find a new favorite!  Click on the photo below to join the party , or just to stop by and discover new cookie recipes.

p.s. thank goodness i got these cookies baked for you on saturday, as sunday afternoon, my oven decided to clean itself in the middle of a baking cycle, burning a batch of cookies my daughter was baking.  oy.  never a dull moment around here, that's for sure!

Also linking up at The Everyday Home for a Christmas Cookie Exchange Link Party.


  1. I must try these cookies. I love coconut and cherries. I'm visiting from the Life in Grace cookie party. Elizabeth from

  2. Sally, these sound wonderful to me! One of my sons loves cherries and coconut and this would be perfect for him. Thanks for sharing Helen's recipe. Merry Christmas!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally