
Friday, November 29, 2013

The Day After...

If you follow MY PHOTO BLOG, you've no doubt already seen my Thanksgiving photos.  People really did show up to grace that table.  I was really happy with the way it all came together -- thus all the photos, but... it was really just a representation of all that is beautiful and lovely in my life.

Those "grateful lists" that I've been making for October and November seem almost trivial now that I have had two days surrounded by those I love.  Not trivial as in I didn't really mean it.  Trivial in the sense that there's nothing like literally sitting in the the midst of and basking in the glow of everything that is good in your life. This Thanksgiving really seemed to be that.  Just stopping mid-bite and realizing that this life, these people are what it's all about for me.  Thanksgiving Day has a way of making all the stuff  fade into the background, showcasing the important... the "things" you truly could not do without.

Today?  Today is all about sleeping in.  No "Black Friday" for us.  Probably a crock pot full of chili.  Our "day after" has always been more about recovery(so to speak) than kicking off Christmas with a bang.  Christmas comes slowly around here.  That's not to say that I won't start bringing some decorations out from their resting places today -- but... no expectations, you know?  The tree waits until the first weekend in December.  That's just how we roll.

In recent years, we have learned to do what works for us rather than trying to keep up with anyone named Jones -- and most of all, to do what we do with GREAT JOY!

I hope that wherever this day finds you, that you are also living with GREAT JOY.  'Tis the season!


  1. Beautifully said!
    P.S. - I love your yardstick box!

  2. Yep, there is no reason to keep up with the crowd - just follow your own way! We did our decorating early because we're going to be gone in part of December. And no black Friday shopping for me either! We're safely tucked in our cottage and don't dare come out into civilization until Monday, LOL.

  3. Exactly, we all need to do what works best for our families. I am very content with my Christmas tree wearing nothing but lights until I regroup from Thanksgiving. That could be days!

    Lovely thoughts you expressed about being in the bosom of your family.


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