
Monday, October 28, 2013

The Party's Over...

Well, this was Halloween weekend in our neck of the woods, and in true Kelly-fashion, we turned the lights out at our house, and drove north to my sister-in-laws for a nice chili-and-so-much-more dinner before the kids headed out to trick-or-treat in her neighborhood.  Eight of the twelve cousins were there, some even coming from Pennsylvania for the occasion!  They all had a blast together, and you never saw so much candy-trading going on!  Good times.

Our son had a party to go to this weekend too, and he decided to dress as Billy Mays -- you know, the guy most noted for promoting OxyClean?  We couldn't stop laughing at the wig and beard that he found.  Every time he opened his mouth, the mustache snapped down in line with the beard, leaving no room for his mouth.  The rest of the costume was easy: khakis, a blue button down shirt with the OxyClean logo on it, and a round-necked undershirt.  Check out Billy Mays images on-line, and you'll see he was spot-on!  I even had a little bottle of Oxy-Clean to send with him as a prop!  We are not huge on costuming around here.  This may have been one of our prouder moments - LOL!!  [For real, people!]

Anyways, we are partied out, and over-candied... ready for another week!

Happy Monday!!

'13 Gratefulness
* grateful for safety for our son when his car broke down
* grateful for loaner tools (to fix the car)from a brother-in-law who is always so much help to us
* grateful for a wonderful weekend with family and lots of new memories made
* grateful for sweet sisters-in-law who mean so much to me
* grateful for Thanksgiving plans beginning to form

Feel free to chime in with a comment!  What are you grateful for today?

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