
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Note Card Party ~ 10.16

Well, I missed last month, and I confess -- I'm excited to be linking up again with Vee's Note Card Party!  I was happy to have taken enough "fall" photos already this year, that I had some to share!  We've had some beautiful country drives, and a great morning at the apple orchard.  As always, all photos are linked to their original posts -- the last three being from the same post.

I look forward to seeing what all of my "note card friends" have been up to!

'13 Gratefulness
* grateful for an evening with girlfriends
grateful for evening of cookie baking
* grateful for our "daily bread" and the lessons that go along with waiting for God's perfect timing

Feel free to chime in with a comment!  What are you grateful for today?


  1. lovely! apples, corn, new hay .. i can almost smell the sweetness! fall has arrived in your neck of the woods.

  2. These make such a beautiful boxed set! (Love your box...) So glad that you could join us this month. It's not always possible, I know, for every single one to join every single month, but come when you can! Do you have a favorite? Mine is the first...those beautiful apples on the tree.

  3. These are amazing Sally! I love them all but do like red in a picture, such as your apple and the barn selections. These certainly would make a nice set of note cards!

  4. I can almost smell the fresh air! The apples are beautiful and each pic looks like early fall:@)

  5. Lovely photos. Apples make such great subjects with the contrast between red and green. Me? I'm grateful for family, for misty mornings, for the cry of gulls, and for life itself.

  6. Love! I did a "farm" theme too! xo

  7. You make me want to get OUTSIDE and snap some photos! Seriously, I have been in such a blue haze lately, and seeing the wonderful views makes me want to grab my shiny red kodak and head out. I'm going to do it, too!

  8. I'm glad you linked up Sally because your photos area all so pretty and will make sweet notecards. And Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Thanks for stopping by. Blessings!

  9. Lovely images! I'd love to drive down the road and see images like these...

  10. Beautiful. Perfect images for fall!

  11. Oh, wow! These are truly spectacular and would make wonderful cards!

  12. Beautiful photos - I especially love the apples!

  13. I love these, Sally, I love in the country and live on a farm I never tire of farm scenes, these would make perfect notecards, thanks for sharing.

  14. These are all terrific rural scenes. I especially like the barn photos! And how did you get that little pin button on your photos???

  15. I love your country snapshots! The apple looks so beautiful!


  16. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us. Love the apples and the red barn...

  17. Perfect farm country note cards. These are the kind I'd choose to send to friends.

  18. I love those barns...especially that big red one! These are all perfect for Fall cards! And I'm grateful for the fine weather we've had and that I got to talk to my sister on the phone today. Sweet hugs!

  19. I enjoyed your autumn theme and those apples...just perfect!
    Thank you for visiting me.

  20. Hi Sally,

    So nice to meet you!

    Your lovely photos are like a breath of fresh, North American air to a homesick, Canadian expat living in Crete! How I miss those beautiful apple farms, driving along hilly country roads, past red barns, just like the ones in your pretty pics, fortified with their haystacks, all sitting there quietly and peacefully, in seasonal serenity.

    Thanks for visiting Poppy View and hope to see you again, soon!


  21. Hello Sally
    I loved these photos when I first saw them - gorgeous barns make lovely note cards!
    Wishing you a happy weekend
    Sorry, I'm so late visiting from Vee's.

  22. Hi Sally,

    What a beautiful region you live in!! Wow! I LOVE the barns, the tall corn fields, and the hay rolls. Fall is just such a wonderful time of the year.

    Your pictures would make lovely note cards, Sally. Thank you for your visit and sweet comments from Vee's Note Card Party. It's taking me a while to get back to everyone; I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  23. Gorgeous pictures, Sal! I dearly love beautiful country barns and hay bales.
    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally