
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Treasure Hunting

Happy Tuesday-not-Monday after a 3-day holiday weekend.  This has been a public service message from me to you -- and who am I kidding?  Also from me to ME to remind me what day it is.  I hope you all had a lovely 3-day weekend.  We got to visit my hubby's sister and family in Pennsylvania, and made lots of good memories.

So what's new?  Well, I feel like I have a bit of catching up to do.  I realized that I never told you about this recent find.

You may have seen me holding this jar up on my facebook page the other day.  It's one of my most recent finds. My hubby took me to a local antique mall, and though I was carrying around a blue Ball jar that was different than any I had, it was this one that I ended up going home with.  I love the color.

In my quest to find jars, I don't just buy every blue jar I find.  I look for something different --whether it's different embossing on the jar, or just a different shape or size.  And THIS time... ha!  It was the COLOR that was different.  I couldn't resist.

I've done a little searching on-line, and though I've seen these jars for sale on e-bay or etsy, I don't seem to be able to find out much about the story behind this jar.  It came with a zinc "Ball" lid, but I don't know if that's original to the jar.  I had to give the jar a good washing at home, as it had, not cocoa -- but sunflower seeds stuck to the sides!  The lid had remnants of chewing gum stuck to it.  A little peanut butter took care of that! Have you ever tried this trick?  It works great on adhesive from price labels too!!!  The oil in the peanut butter breaks down the adhesive.  I swipe a little peanut butter out of the jar, and wipe it over the spot in question.  Let it sit for a few minutes, use a little elbow grease to wipe it away, and TaaDaa!  It really works.  (My tip for the day!)

I also scored this metal locker basket on the same day.  I wasn't sure what I would do with it, but I played around with it a bit, and ended up corralling a bunch of jars and other goodies here -- and I'm happy with the look.

So, what treasures have you found lately?
--and, did you know about the peanut butter trick?


  1. I like the peanut butter trick. It seems to give just enough 'tooth" to allow the rubbing of the adhesive off. Your finds are great. I have a new item from flea market shopping this week, too. No sweet jars that say "Boston" though.

  2. I have never seen a jar like this! Oh my! What a treasure!


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