
Monday, August 5, 2013

Rooster Re-do

My goal?  To bring some life back to my rooster-friend.
My inspiration?  HERE.
My starting point... 

My intention?  To use some pretty pale-turquoise-y paint as an undercoat.  Then, to spraypaint a topcoat of white or off-white, sanding to let the blue show through in spots.

HowEVer.  Once this guy was "Rossland Blue" I kind of liked him all over again.

I really like how he looks next to my blue Mason jars.

At this point, the project is halted.  I've got nothing to lose leaving him blue.  After all, he's been tucked away for a long while.  At least now he's seeing the light of day, after having some new-blue life breathed into him.

Some day, if I get sick of the blue, I might actually get to the white/off-white step.  For now, I'm tickled pink -- well, you know... BLUE.


  1. a blue rooster...who knew it could look so cute!

  2. I lovr your little blue rooster! It looks great! Enjoy and Blessings!

  3. What a great solution! Love it!


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