
Friday, August 16, 2013

21 Years!

It's incredible to believe that my hubby and I will celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary in about six weeks! I've said it before, and I'll say it again: it feels like forever in all of the very best ways!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Last weekend, my sweet hubby and I paid a visit to a local garden center, and in an effort to hang on tightly to summertime, we took advantage of some of their sales.

Hibiscus - 50% off!  We bought a bright pink one.
Hanging baskets of annuals - BOGO.  I was going to buy a potted yellow and orange Lantana that I couldn't resist, but ended up finding them in hanging baskets -- which was a better deal.  So we came home with two hanging baskets of them!

After grabbing a few other things we needed, we headed to the check-out where my hubby wished me "Happy Anniversary!" -- and then I paid the bill.  You know, because we're romantic like that.

I couldn't be happier with our choices.  The Lantana are only an annual around here, but I will enjoy them right up until the day they can't be enjoyed any longer.  They are so cheerful!!

And the Hibiscus?  I'm really happy about that too.  I've been wanting one for a long time.  We've seen so many around this year.  Either it's an especially good year for them, or they are becoming more popular.  This one's "Brandy Punch."


  1. Congratulations on 21 years!!!

    Your flowers are beautiful!!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!

  2. Sounds like the very best kind of anniversary date!
    Your flowers are beautiful.
    Here's wishing you many beautiful days with them before the frost hits.

  3. We celebrate anniversaries in a similar fashion - ha! Best wishes to you for many, many more!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! Happy anniversary to you :)


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