
Friday, July 12, 2013

Blueberry Lemon Oat Scone Success!

Last weekend, my hubby found blueberries for a great price, and he grabbed up a bunch.  We freeze them, and they typically end up in my husband's lunchbox as an extra thing to munch on mid-afternoon.  He's the only one who's really in love with them around here.

This time, though, he suggested baking scones, and so I did a search on Pinterest.  I ended up finding a recipe originally pinned from Chassie's blog that sounded delicious.  On Tuesday, I ran out to get lemons and buttermilk (supposedly the secret ingredient to scones).  When I got home and started gathering my ingredients, I realized that we had used the last of the butter.  Great.  Well, the baking needed to wait until another day.

On Wednesday, I remembered the butter -- but it was hot, hot, hot.  Not exactly a baking kind of day.

On Thursday, it was the perfect day.  Air conditioning off.  Windows open.  Cool breeze.  A different day, completely!

According to Chassie, this recipe originally comes from The Affinity Guest House
in Cowichan Bay outside of Victoria, British Columbia.

I will tell you that while I was putting this recipe together, I was already craving a taste of the finished product. Remember, I'm not a huge blueberry lover?  The aroma was pretty amazing.

I know... the lemon zest is a little on the large size via my cheese grater.  Apparently I purged our home of the maybe-used-once-annually lemon zester.  I cannot find it anywhere.  No worries.  Does the size of the zest matter?  I think not.

Am I the only one who thought of scones as dry and heavy?  Well, I was pleasantly surprised by these.  They are moist and light.  You'll want to go to Chassie's blog for the complete recipe.  Run.  Don't walk. They're that good... (said the non-blueberry lover).  Also?  The recipe has few ingredients and goes together really quickly.

Oh, and the glaze?  Just confectioner's sugar and lemon juice.  That's all.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Go forth and bake scones.

1 comment:

  1. They look and sound delicious. Glad you were able to make them and, better yet, share the recipe with us.


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