
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

VBS and Pallet Art

Okay folks, this is just a quick post.  Yesterday, my girl and I had a busy morning at VBS.  We had 260 kiddos, and LOTS of volunteers.  I say that as if I'm the one running the show.  Um, no.  I'm helping out on the social media end of things (big surprise, right?)  I'm keeping the tweets going and adding pictures to Facebook in real time so that parents can see what their kids are up to.  It's a fun job -- right up my alley.

We have a really cool room set up for parents to relax in while their kids are at VBS.  It's called The Family Room, and it is such an awesome concept.  I don't know if the idea came with our VBS curriculum guidelines, or if someone on our own staff came up with it, but it is BRILLIANT.  It's a really amazing space.  Various offices in the church donated couches, occasional chairs, and pillows from their waiting rooms, and it all blends together in a really cool & trendy way.  The room is filled with family photos, framed word graphics that include Bible verses or sayings, pallet art, and... oh what?  I had you at "pallet art?"  Well, I took some pictures for you.  Because of all the family photos scattered around The Family Room, I didn't feel right about sharing many pictures here.  But I can show you the pallet art.

Oh, and about the pallet art?  Our mid-week boys group did the work!  Awesome-sauce, huh?

Yep.  Can you say "start a small business, you are awesome?"  Didn't they do a great job?

Tomorrow, I will tell you the story of the marble jars.  It might just rock your world.

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful art! Absolutely. And how terrific that you are keeping parents informed with tweets, etc. Very cool indeed.


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