
Friday, June 14, 2013

Sweet Dreams

All day Wednesday, there was a "buzz" about the huge line of storms coming.  When I arrived home from VBS, I looked out and saw all of the beautiful flowers in my yard, and knew that some of them may end up damaged by the storm.  I decided to make a little bouquet to fill one of my blue Ball jars.

Ultimately, a storm did come.  I vaguely remember several claps of thunder and lots of lightning during the night.  And then, everything went fuzzy again.  Four days of VBS will do that to you.

The next morning, things were already starting to dry up, and the damage around here was minimal as far as I could see.  One of the stalks of the Delphinium had bent over. Everything else seems okay.  Though the rest of my family assures me that the winds were strong, I didn't hear much.  I knew that everyone was tucked in safely at home, and that was enough for me.

I'm thankful for a great week of VBS (one more day today).  For almost 250 kids.  For almost 90 volunteers. For the little girl that came in Thursday morning, and shyly approached the check-in desk to tell us that she had accepted Christ.  This is why we do what we do.

And of course, we're always thankful for a good night's sleep in order to do it at all.  Amen.

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