
Friday, June 21, 2013


What's the best blog comment you've ever received?  I've been blessed to have some really nice people follow (or stumble upon) my blog and leave kind words.  My friend Karianne has a special folder in her e-mail reserved for just such comments.  She opens that folder, and reads the comments when she needs a little pick-me-up.  Not a bad idea really.  Kind words are like balm to the soul.

The other day, some of Vee's friends stopped by to see my most recent note card collection.  Many of them left comments.  One in particular struck me:

"I felt like I was just invited over for a visit, seeing little glimpses inside your home and outside in your garden."

What a lovely thing to say!

Truth be told, I don't have a lot of lofty goals for this blog.  It began because I love to write and take pictures -- and I love to share both.  I just want my blog to be a reflection of who I am, and what I believe.  Of the people I love and the things I like.  I love sharing the daily details -- you know, the stuff we would talk about if you stopped by for tea -- okay, or coffee.  Because I would totally make coffee for you while I drank tea -- you know, if that was your preference.

So, stop by any time!

"Stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary."
~ Louisa May Alcott

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  1. That is such a brilliant idea to keep special comments. I have kept all the comments concerning my grandmother and they will be written in a special journal. The ladies were such a blessing to me during that difficult time.

    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  2. I think that is true...stay is a sweet word. There's another quote rising to the surface here, but it won't be in time for this comment...something that LaDonna has on her sidebar at Gracious Hospitality...nope, it won't float. Ah well, I tried! It's very easy to visit you here with all the lovelies that you share.

  3. You are the BEST! Thank you so much for the shout out! My folder is brimming over!

    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  4. I love the idea of saving blog comments to read in the future. I've had some that have brought me to tears, in a good way. Your photos are beautiful and your space inviting, as always!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally