
Friday, May 3, 2013

No Returns ~ A Simple Solution

Recently, I needed to send cookies to a meeting that I was unable to attend in a friend's home.  I tried to think of a nice way to send the treats (other than using paper or plastic) without troubling anyone to return a plate or container to me.  I decided to check out my local thrift store.  I found a pretty plate, and paid all of forty-three cents for it!

Then, I wrote a little note on the bottom with a marker:

I've been gifted with a plate of treats in a similar way, and it really is nice (often, at the end of a busy day) not to have to hunt down somebody to return their dishes!

[Oh, and don't worry about the price sticker and wax pencil marks from the thrift store.  I washed them all off before I sent the plate on it's way!]


Just a reminder:
Today is the last day to use the 20% off coupon
"MOMSDAY3" in my Etsy Shop.
This coupon code is now expired.


  1. This is so fun to see that you and I do the same thing. I love that you wrote on the back of the plate the intentions of the plate. I bought a set of 4 heart decorated plates some years ago to put treats on to deliver to neighbors. 2 of the plates came back with goodies!
    Have a great day!

  2. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Well that's just a great idea! I always see cute plates at the thrift store!

  4. What a fantastic idea! I am going to have to get some extra plates next time I am at the thrift store! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle


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