
Friday, April 19, 2013

What's Up? 4.19

Everything is SPRINGing to life around here.  The Hellebore that I showed you last week is growing like crazy!  I believe this is the second year for this plant in our garden.  Last year, it was transplanted early-on, and didn't totally come around.  I think maybe we had two blooms.

I love the color of these flowers.  They're really so pretty!

When I stepped to the very back of our yard to take some pictures of daffodils next to the big Rhododendron, I was spooked by a mama robin hurriedly flying out of this nest.  I guess I spooked her first!  I minded my own business, took my pictures, and got out of her way.  She was squawking at me the whole time!  [Of course, maybe she was wondering what I'd done with her usual nesting-wreath!  ha!]

The Lilac leaves are getting bigger and filling in more every day -- and this is what the tiny little buds look like so far.

Bleeding hearts - one of my sentimental childhood favorites.

The Rhubarb is going to town!  The stalks aren't too tall yet -- but look at those leaves!  Hopefully, we'll have a good crop to make lots of pies this year!

A delicate peach blossom.

Buds on the Cleveland Pear trees.  We have three of these together along our side property line.  They make a gorgeous screen from spring until late fall!  They are absolutely beautiful in every stage.

And last but not least (for today)... a pretty little popping bud on one of the Maple Trees.  It always amazes me to see what is packed into a bud.  Like the mighty Oak Tree coming from a little acorn, right?  This particular tree is a mystery to us.  When we moved into this house almost thirteen years ago, the tree was tiny -- and there was an odd patch of leaves that were colored differently than the rest.  It was really curious to look at.  Each year, an odd patch emerges.  At one point, my hubby thought that it meant the tree was not healthy, and was on it's way "out."  But -- it continues to grow and thrive, and the odd patch gets a little higher up in the branches each year.  I'll try to remember to show you a picture of the tree later in the season.

I took a bunch more pictures today, so stay tuned for another "What's Up?" tomorrow!

Tell me.  What's up at your house?


  1. What beautiful pictures! There is snow at my house so nothing is coming up yet :) I will just enjoy your photos and wait patiently, Lord-willing :) Have a great weekend!


  2. Gorgeous! I don't have any pretties in my yard :( Have a lovely weekend!


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