
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Note Card Party 4.17

Hello Friends!  It's Note Card Party Time over at Vee's.  This month, I have two pretty jewelry shots, and two spring-time seed packet shots.

Around here...
The birds are singing around here, and though this week is supposed to be rainy -- we've also gotten some surprise sunshine and warm temps, so a girl can't complain.  The grass has gone from a dormant brownish-green to very green --with the exception of some spots here and there that seem to be taking their time.  The daffodils are in their glory.  Tulips haven't shown their faces yet... and, well... I'll take some new pictures and bring you up to speed on "what's up" -- perhaps tomorrow.  In the meantime... enjoy the "note cards."  I can't wait to see what you all have come up with for this month.

If you're not participating, well, just enjoy the photos -- and by all means stop over to Vee's to check out the other participant's cards.

[Just a reminder: all of my note card photos are linked to their original posts.]

Vee, thanks for hosting!


  1. Oh my! I noticed when I first came on your blog...your profile pic! You are such a pretty and happy lady! Love these photos and it's a great idea to link them. I think I'll go back and link mine! Love the last photo...I collect those little angels, too!

  2. Wonderful jewelry and I love what you've done with the seed packets. I hope all your seeds come up! :D :D

  3. Great theme this month, Sally! Love the photos. Happy you are enjoying nice springlike weather. It is lovely here, too, but maybe rain is on the way! xo

  4. These are such fun cards, Sally. I love the purple jewelry - so rich and what a great photograph.

  5. Oh, I love your pretty. Great photos!

  6. These are all really pretty, Sally. I really like the one of the mason jar with the seed packet inside. Thanks for visiting and your sweet comment. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Wonderful note cards...can't go wrong with bling and seed packets. I really, really like the second photo and may have to steal your idea.

  8. A lovely selection for your note cards Sally.
    I would love to receive No:2 with the packet of seeds inside the glass jar - what a photo!!!
    I can hear the Spring lightness in your writing!
    Blogging and taking photographs makes such a difference to what we see.
    Your joy at finding the new green of the grass - simply lovely!!
    Shane ♥

  9. Oh, sparkly beads are irresistible! Love these!

  10. Each one of these makes a perfect not card. I have a fondness for Ball jars so you know which one is my fav. The bling is pretty cool too!!

  11. I like your note cards, especially the one with the tea and gardening theme.

  12. The glass photos are so pretty.....the light plays off of them nicely. And the garden card is too too cute! I gave that Angel to my Mother last year and she loves it!
    Beautiful cards Sally.

  13. I love the title of your blog!
    Sweet card photos.
    Have you planted those flower seeds yet?

  14. I really like the photos you selected for your note cards this month. They are beautiful --- especially the seed packets in the jar. I love close-up shots.

    Gracious Hospitality

  15. That is a nice idea to link your photo cards to the original post. They are lovely. It makes me realize how beauty can be seen in every day things if we just look.

  16. What lovely cards...especially love the last one.
    I just became your newest follower.:))

  17. Sally, you are a gifted photographer! Your photos are lovely...all unique...and would make wonderful note cards!

  18. I really like the shot of the seed packet inside the mason jar - what a clever idea! It not only gives the photo a unique look, but it tells the story of gardening, from the very start to the final finish. Great!

  19. Two of my favorite things - jewelry and flower seeds!



  20. What a great series. I love the seeds inside the jar!

  21. Thanks for sharing these photos, they are lovely!

  22. I love your photos and the seed packets! We have been planting a lot of seeds indoors to be planted after the frost. We are doing a butterfly garden this year :) Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos!

  23. Beautiful colors in your photos. Love the jewelry!



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally