
Saturday, April 6, 2013

2013 Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Hello party-goers!  Welcome!  

I'm Sally.  Wife to one amazing husband, and mom to two awesome teens -- a son, and a daughter.  I am a Christian -- a believer in Christ, a sinner saved by grace.  I love the Lord, and often write here about faith, but I also share a lot about family, our adventures in schooling (home and public), and life's adventures in general.  I like to share recipes -- nothing gourmet, mind you... just family favorites.  When inspired, I might even share a craft, an organizational project, or some ideas about home.

Nope.  I'm not one of those bloggers who has a specific niche.

I dabble in the Etsy world a little.  You'll find my shop tab at the top of the page (or in my sidebar).  I LOVE the blogging world.  In addition to this blog, you can also find some of my photos on my second blog: Sally's Shots.  I love to take pictures.  Sometimes the photos that I share relate to the post, and sometimes, they are just a pretty place to rest your eyes -- like the one below!  (Go ahead rest!)

I turned 50 in 2012, and if you really want to learn more about ME, you can read 50 things that you never wanted to know about me in these posts.

I try to be positive in my blogging, and I love to add a bit of humor.  Don't ever think I'm taking myself too seriously!  I will never claim to know it all.

Most of all, I'm good at being ME.  I hope you'll hang around and get to know me.  You can look at the bottom of each post or in my sidebar for some additional reading ideas.  Make yourself at home!

Please feel free to leave a comment introducing yourself.  Afterall, this is a PARTY, right?  I look forward to meeting you.  I read all of your comments, and respond as well.

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy the party, and have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Sally! It's so nice to meet you from the UBP! I think I could find myself at home in your little corner of the world. I have added your blog to my reeder and look forward to getting to know you more!

  2. Stopping by from the UBP...

    I love that picture! The blue is so vibrant. Absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Hi, Sally,
    I like eclectic blogs like yours, and I love your blog name : )
    I'm visiting from UBP, and I want to invite you to my new blog hop starting May 3rd on Bible Love Notes.

  4. You are so fun. I'm glad I "know" ya. :)

  5. Hi, I popped in via the Ultimate Blog Party 2013. Loved the coloring in your photo and meeting you a bit. Thanks for a lovely visit!

    1. Thanks for the sweet words Kaye! I'm glad you stopped over!

  6. Hello! I'm here to party! I love scrapbooking and photography as well! Nice to meet you!!

    1. Glad to meet you too, Alaina! I'm off to check out your page...

  7. Hi Sally, I'm visiting from the party! Your photo is gorgeous. I love it! Please visit me and say hello at Counting My Blessings,

  8. Hi Sally,
    It's nice to meet you.
    You are very creative!

    Visiting and following from the UBP
    Have a blessed week!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally