
Friday, March 15, 2013

Hippity Hoppity...

... Easter's on it's way!

It'll be here in about two weeks.  I'm hoping that it will really be spring-like weather by then.  There's something that's just not right about snow and such bitter cold for Easter... no matter when Easter falls.

So, I've decorated for spring, and it has snowed since then.  Not much, mind you.  My knickers were a little in a twist, but I got over myself.

The daffodils are peeking way up, and must be getting anxious about this NEOhio cold.  [Yes, it was just in the 60's on Sunday!]  It always amazes me that the daffodils survive what inevitably are some pretty cold temperatures AFTER a nice warm-up.  Those daffodils seem to be able to take whatever is dished out for them.  They are much heartier than I give them credit for.

The other night, my hubby went to help a dear friend with a computer problem, and came home with this sweet little Easter Egg from her.  Thank you Donna!  I love it.  It is safe and sound on my china shelf --up and out of harm's way with all my other pretty treasures.  I admit, I keep taking it down to look at all of it's details.

Donna is a "drinking-from-my-saucer" kind of lady.  She is always cheerful and so thoughtful -- and my husband and I so appreciate her [and her husband's] kindnesses towards us.  We are blessed to have them live "just around the corner."

I hope that you are feeling cheery today, no matter the weather.

Keep smiling friends, and encourage each other.  Spring is coming!


  1. Thank you for all the kind words, you know I read your everyday! My daughter made those eggs before arthritis made her stop. I treasure all of them.

  2. That is a lovely Easter egg. One good turn deserves another, that's what I say! It is rather cold here, with rain and maybe the dread "S" word expected for the weekend. xo

  3. What a beautiful gift and at just the right time. I wanted thank you for your comments and to let you know I mentioned you on my blog today. Patty


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally