
Friday, February 1, 2013

Tag! You're It!!!

Pssssst.  Here's a little pre-Valentines Day love from Sweet Serena of The Farm Chicks.
Please-oh-please pass it on, because... Serena made it to SHARE, and like the old song says:

"What the world needs now, is love -- sweet love!"


Also... you may have noticed another new button in my sidebar... I know aNOTHER one, right?  It looks like this:

Every now and then I take a bunch of (what I like to think are) good photos. They don't necessarily go along with any post on my regular blog -- and my phone isn't "smart" enough for an Instagram App, so... "Sally's Shots" photo blog is a way I can share them for those who might be interested in photographic-type endeavors. I do not claim to be a photographer -- only someone who enjoys photography. My camera is an Olympus FE-3010. With this particular camera, I have had much more success with "macro" style photos than large scenes or portraits, and so that is what I tend to take a lot of.  {Flowers are a favorite subject, because they're beautiful, and they don't talk back!}  This is not meant to be a 365 project, nor do I expect to do much (if any) writing here. In fact, I don't know if anyone will even show up for this party. But here we go! I hope you'll come along for the ride!

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally