
Friday, February 15, 2013

A Big Solution for a Little Problem

I love a good solution to a problem -- albeit a small problem.

A few years ago, I bought this sweet set of measuring spoons while on vacation.  A glistening silver set of  a "dash," a "pinch," and a "smidgen."  They came with a hook for hanging.  When we returned home, and I planned to hang the spoons, I soon realized that the hook did not properly account for the thickness of the spoons, and would not allow them to hang flat against one another.  Fail.

Now, I had three little spoons with awkward hanging holes at the top -- and no way to hang them, or keep them together as a set.  Enter Pinterest (of course).  I spotted a sweet set of measuring spoons from a popular store.  The spoons were held together with what looked like a kilt pin.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  (As a little girl, I had a plaid wool wrap-skirt with just such a pin.  Gotta say -- it was an awesome favorite of mine.)  So, I started googling kilt pins -- and speaking of awesome... um, yeah.  If you're a seriously kilt-er, you can pay a hefty price for your pin!  Just sayin.

Maybe I was on the wrong path for my little spoons?  Afterall, I wasn't looking to spend a lot of money for this little fix.  And idea. I wish I could tell you where this idea came from.  I don't even remember now...

A stitch holder!  Found in the crocheting/knitting section at JoAnn Fabrics.  For a mere dollar or two, I had my solution!

I love a good solution to a problem.

Shop update~ Coming soon: sets of notecards w/ 5 of the same photo (as opposed to an assortment).  Also, I am glad to take custom orders for sets of 5, using any photos you see in my Etsy shop.  Just message me to work out the details.

1 comment:

  1. I need to take a picture of my work board and show my organization for the year in my department. But I love the little hook!!!


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