
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stepping Up to the Plate

Cute melamine plates seem to be all the rage these days, have you noticed?  <<Seriously Target -- how many cute plates can you offer us?>>  And -- they don't break the bank, so to speak!  I spotted these two cuties before Christmas.  Since they were so inexpensive, I bought them, and squirreled them away for a day such as today.

I hung them up on the kitchen wall recently (using THIS method), and was just a wee bit disappointed.  Oh I still loved them alright, but I had just hung them on nails where other things had been.  There was no real thought behind their placement.  So, I left them there, and waited for inspiration.

Yesterday, I was at Target again (go ahead, gasp with mock surprise), and spotted a new plate... on clearance! (Stopping to take a bow.)  It was a larger size, and I thought it might be just what I needed to shake this wall up a little.

I tend to be a little "safe" in my decorating style, and so (of course), the first thing I did was hold the larger plate in the middle of the two smaller ones, sizing up the situation.  Still kind of boring -- and took up more room (top to bottom) than I wanted.

I thought of my Pinterest Board "WALL ARRANGEMENTS" -- and I headed over there to take a look around. Pinterest has a way of making you think you can do anything.  Sheesh, it's a good thing people don't post things like jumping off bridges!  Or maybe they do, and I shouldn't do that search.  Anyways, I digress.

What I ended up with was this:

The pictures aren't great because it's a gray and snowy day around here -- but you get the idea.

OH, I KNOW.  It's not dangerous or bold or anything.  But, you have to admit it's a little more random and unexpected.  It might even cause some people (who thought our bed in the corner was... a little too unexpected) to look away -- but I love it.  It makes me smile every time I look at it.  And I've been looking at it a lot.  It's kind of been my "SQUIRREL" all morning!  LOL

Okay, take one more look... side by side.  DEFinitely more visually interesting, right?

You know what else?  It's so random that I could probably even add more plates as the mood strikes me.

Yep.  I'm really taking a walk on the wild side people.

Have you stepped out of your comfort zone recently, and been pleasantly surprised with the results?  Tell me about it!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! I love plates on the wall and I absolutely love that Fairhaven one!

    Jenna @


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