
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesdays Unwrapped 12.4 (Tough Love)

Today, I am participating in "tuesdays unwrapped" - where Emily (of Chatting at the Sky) charges us to write about "anything that causes (us) to pause and celebrate the moment.  Not what will be or what is to come, but what is real and true this day: the messy, the lovely, and the unexpected... discovering the gifts in the midst of the ordinary."  I'm hoping that this challenge will keep me focused on the Reason for the season - Jesus Christ, and keep everything else in proper perspective.

As I write this, it's 7:27AM, and it's already been quite a day.  We've been battling illness in our house... and missed school... and catching up... and more than a little panic over the situation, resulting in... more sickness. This morning, "tough love" was called into play.

Tough love sucks.  There.  I said it.

The "messy" was one of the first conversations of the morning, in which I yelled.  Also, the reaction that I received.  Really messy.

The "lovely" was the apologies that were exchanged before we left the house for school.  And I will tell you -- my heels were dug in.  I didn't go first.

The "unexpected?"  I'm not going to lie.  My faith wasn't strong.  The unexpected was that we made it to school, and there were no tears.  No more angry words were exchanged.  It felt a little bit like confirmation of the tough love being used by God.

Truth is, our situation is ordinary, but feels like one big mess to us -- the ones in the midst of it.

The gift? steps.  The GIFT is that this morning is behind us, and we did it.


Sometimes all God asks of us is to put one foot in front of the other.

You can read more "Tuesdays Unwrapped" posts HERE.


  1. Your comment "tough love sucks" pretty much sums it up, especially for mom's. :) Glad you can celebrate through it. Blessings this Tuesday!

  2. True story Alene! Each day has gotten a little better/easier. I'm so thankful.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally