
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

I'm off to finish up on my Christmas baking, wrapping, and some last minute shopping -- so I'm signing off here until after Christmas (with the possible exception of Vee's notecard party, should she have it -- since I already had something partially prepared).

I hope, in the days ahead, that you will all be able to spend time with those you hold most dear.  Events of this season have reminded me that life is such a gift.  Hold tight to those you love.  Tell them you love them.  If you haven't expressed this before, don't wait.  Now is the time.  There is never a better time than during the Christmas season.

After all, Christmas is all about LOVE, isn't it?  The love of God, who sent his Son... our savior!

  Blessings and peace to you and yours this Christmas Season!

"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
LUKE 2:10-11

Ring the bells, ring the bells.  Let the whole world know.
Christ was born in Bethlehem -- many years ago.

Born to die that man might live, came to earth new life to give.
Born of Mary, born so low -- many years ago.

God the Father gave His Son, gave his own beloved One
To this wicked, sinful earth to bring mankind His love, new birth.

Ring the bells, ring the bells.  Let the whole world know.
Christ the Savior lives today as He did so long ago.


  1. Love that Christmas carol! Blessings to you and family this Christmas!

  2. Wow, so pretty! Love the glitter an the pix are wonderful! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    Loved seeing this at the special link party supporting Sandy Hook last week. Hope you'll come to The Humble Brag link party today to see some features from last week and link up some more cool projects. We also give away FREE AD SPACE every week! Happy Friday!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally