
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Recipe ~ Meatza Pie

My mom and I got to talking about meal planning the other day.  We're ready to move into those cozy fall-winter kind of suppers.  We were trying to recall some old family favorites, and Mom remembered "Meatza Pie."  "Meatza" meaning: meatloaf + pizza.  I made it recently for dinner, and I thought I'd share the recipe with you.  Maybe it's exactly what you need for a cozy dinner while your riding out Hurricane Sandy.

Here in NEOhio, it has been raining and raining, with wind, and strong wind gusts.  School is cancelled for today (due to "uncertain weather conditions"), and we're praying that the electricity will stay on.  I know that many who have stopped by here are dealing with much more than that...  Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers!

Meatza Pie

1 lb. ground round
1 egg
1/2 c. bread crumbs
2 T. ketchup
1 tsp. garlic salt

Mix egg, bread crumbs, ketchup and garlic salt with meat.  Pat lightly on sides and bottom of a 9" pie pan.

1/3 c. tomato paste
2 T. ketchup
1 T. instant onion (or fresh if you prefer)
1/4 tsp. oregano
3 T. grated Parmesan cheese

Mix tomato paste & remaining ketchup.  Spread over meat.  Sprinkle onion, & mozzarella cheese over sauce. Crush oregano into Parmesan cheese.  Sprinkle over all.  Bake at 375F  for 30-35 minutes -- or until you're confident that the meat is done.  Let stand 5-10 minutes before cutting.

TIP:  I like to let it stand tipped to one side w/ a utensil underneath... to let any grease drain to one side.  Since the meat-crust will shrink up a bit, you'll have room to spoon any grease away.

AND:  You can adapt this recipe to suit your spice or pizza-topping preferences.  Even use your favorite pizza sauce.  You get the idea.

I'm linking up with Sandi @ Rose Chintz Cottage for:

Today, I am thankful for...
1. Scripture that reminds me of God's great love for me
2. sweet bloggers who blog words of encouragement
3. the fact that we knew school was canceled last night -- so the kids could sleep in undisturbed this morning
4. our family :: at home in safety :: together

Thought: (borrowed from Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage) Remember the tea kettle - it is always up to it's neck in hot water, yet it still sings. ~Unknown


  1. Replies
    1. I hope you'll try it, and let me know what your family thinks, Alicia. It was a hit here! (We hadn't had it in so long, nobody really remembered it!)

  2. Hi Sally,
    This sounds so good and a wonderful twist on pizza. I will definitely give it a try! I enjoyed your list of thankful things on your heart today too. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and have a wonderful rest of the week, my friend.


  3. Hi, I'm visiting from HOME and you meatza pie sounds soooo good!!

  4. What a fabulous dish! That looks so yummy!

  5. Thx! This is the recipe I was looking for! Until this one, all the others said to cook the ground meat 1st . . . and I know that's not the way my mom made hers!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally