
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's Up? 8.1

Morning Glories have a magical quality about them don't they?  Have you ever noticed that white center? It totally looks like there is a tiny white light bulb poking through and casting a glow, doesn't it?  Love it.

This is a busy week around here... lots going on.  Everything seems to be getting crammed into these last few weeks of summer vacation for us.  How about you?  Whatever's happening at your house, I hope you'll take a little time to slow down and enjoy God's beautiful creation.  Have a great day!

Linking up with Beki @ The Rusted Chain
for Fingerprint Friday,


  1. Thanks for a fresh look at morning glories. We have the white ones growing rogue in our garden, and they tend to choke out everything else -- vegetables, herbs, etc. Guess I need to appreciate them a little more!


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