
Friday, August 31, 2012

Portulaca :: Moss Rose

The other morning as I did dishes, I looked out the window.  I couldn't help but notice the heavy dew on the grass and flowers.  The sun was already bright, but still low in the sky, and I decided to hurry out to snap some pictures before the shadows appeared.

These are the Portulaca (also known as Moss Rose) in the garden just beside our patio.  During this dry summer, it seemed to take forever before they took hold and made themselves at home.  Right now, they're flowering and spreading like crazy.  I love the variety of colors: shades of red, pink, coral, yellow, and even white.

Here are some dewy shots that I managed to get... God's fingerprints.

Enjoy a safe holiday weekend!




I'm linking up with Beki
@The Rusted Chain
and Ewa
@Blueberry Craft and Hobby Time


  1. Really nice macros...gotta love that dew in the early mornings. Gives a girl so much photo opportunity!

  2. Nice captures! The moss roses are very beautiful with raindrop dews.


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