
Friday, August 10, 2012

Pinterest: Five Minute Cake

(and a great giveaway link!  Please read to the end!)

Internet connection has been slow, and unpredictable lately.  Of course --since I was just recently bragging on how few problems we seem to have with it!  OY!  Anyways, I'm happy to be able to connect and post after a couple days with not much internet success.

I've been waiting for a while now to share this Project Pinterest post with you all...


We came home one Sunday after church, and baking was on my daughter's mind. "What can I bake?" she wondered aloud. Since it was hot, and the air-conditioning was cranking away, I tried to discourage it. "Or else," I said, "Make something that doesn't need to bake long -- or that you can bake in the MICROWAVE!"

And then I remembered this pin for FIVE MINUTE CAKE IN A MUG.  She checked to make sure we had the ingredients on hand, and she was on her way.  This one was easy, successful, delicious, and RICH.  We each had a fork-full, and it was enough until later.  Well, some of us (clearing of throat) got an additional taste later.

This is just the thing for a bite of something sweet at the end of a meal.  You won't need much.  It's decadent and delicious -- and did I mention, RICH?

Here are the guidelines for Project Pinterest:
1. Decide which pin on Pinterest you'd like to recreate.
2. Create it!
3. Flop or success, create a blog post about your re-do and include the original pin's url.
4. Add the Project Pinterest button to your post so others can join in too!  (*From now on, to be considered a "Featured Pinner" you need to add the button to your blog, please.)
5. Link up and check out other bloggers' posts!

Psssssst.... just found out my friend Sasha @Lemonade Makin' Mama is hosting a great giveaway HERE.  Her friend Laura from The Ironstone Nest has put together a great collection of goodies to give away including:
  • a tiny bird's nest and faux egg
  • a mini preserved boxwood wreath with sheer ribbon for hanging
  • an ironstone soap holder with a bar of yummy soap
  • some book pages tied with twine
  • a chippy-wood numbered tag
  • an adorable French sign that reads: "The joy of life is in you!"
  • a black wood base and petite glass cloche
  • a vintage orange marmalade crock
Stop over to Sasha's blog to find out how to enter for a chance to win!!


  1. yum Sally, sounds delisious!! I have been thinking about trying this out :) Thanks so much for linking up to Project Pinterest!

  2. Ooooohhh! This looks so yummy! I've been noticing a lot of microwave mug desserts lately. I think I need to give them a try!

  3. That baked goodness in a mug is perfect for summertime! Since I live by myself I should definitely try this out.



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally