
Friday, August 17, 2012

Life on the Fast Track

Oh good GRAVY life has been busy!!!  Even though I now have an extra driver around the house (did I tell you? Our son got his license!), it has been non-stop around here.  So non-stop, in fact, that when I finally stopped yesterday, I TOTALLY FORGOT about a meeting.  That's what happens when I stop.

My mistake.  I sat down.  When will I learn?

"to do" list

But seriously.  I've been a little absent from here, and we've been a lot busy, but life is good.  We started our summer vacation with... vacation, as you might remember.  The weeks that followed were lazy for the most part. These last two weeks or so have been jam-packed.  So much so, that the routine of school will be (dare I say it?) WELCOME!

On Tuesday, our internet finally was fixed.  We're back up to speed, and all is right with the world again.  Who ever heard of a cable-guy coming 3 hours early?  But that's exactly what happened.  Woohoo - a new modem, and we're back in business.

basket bowls

Yesterday, my daughter agreed to go "babysit" my sister's three kiddos while Jill and I hit a few favorite shopping spots.  Namely, HomeGoods and Target.  At HomeGoods they were busy-busy stocking shelves.  We visited our favorite shelves twice to see what new things they had added.  There is so much beautiful stuff in that store.  I drooled over the dishes, and stop myself from buying them because there are only so many flat surfaces and storage cupboards in our home, you know?  But, another favorite at HomeGoods is their baskets.  (And who doesn't have stuff to put in a basket?)  Namely, the wire kind.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you may know that I have a board called "Crazy for Wire & Iron."  I wish I could explain the draw.  That's the "crazy" part!  Perhaps it's because they're so crazy-reasonable at HomeGoods!  I came home with a lovely low-sided wire basket with wooden handles.  It's for the top of our refrigerator where all manner of things get dumped when my sweet hubby walks in the door.  If I ever tell you my "refrigerator overfloweth," I probably mean the top -- not the INside!

I also picked up a more traditional low-sided basket for the back of the toilet in the downstairs powder-room.  I had fun rearranging a few things in there.  I still love the "beach-y" items in the powder room that have been collected over time.  Maybe I'll take some pictures another day when I'm writing in daylight.

Right now, it's da-ark, and way too early.  Our son had a really early job assignment today, so of course, I was up to see him off... and then, you know, the brain starts clickety-clacking -- and next thing you know, I'm fully awake. Must be time to write a Friday blog post, right?  Just in time for that weekend break - ha!

Hopefully next week I'll be back on track.  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your shopping trip went well and your pictures are amazing!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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