
Friday, August 3, 2012

A Spot in the Sun

...for crafting, that is.

My girl got a (Pinterest) idea in her head, and it's been stuck.  She's been itching to be creative, and she had a plan. So, we hit the craft store the other day and gathered her supplies.

Easy really.  We just needed a canvas, and crayons.  We already had a hair-dryer.  The bigger the canvas, the more crayons you need, so we decided to start small.  We can always "go big" sometime in the future after we know how this works on a small scale.

We decided to work outside where the mess wouldn't bother anything.  In fact, there wasn't much of a mess. There is the occasional spray or splash of wax, though.  Consider yourself warned if you decide to try this at home.

It started slow.  Really slow.  Like, are-these-crayons-ever-going-to-melt slow, and then...

Wow!  Look at those crayons melt!!

We got the idea HERE.  You can click that link for specific instructions.

The angle at which the hot air hits the canvas/melting wax determines how straight the lines of wax drip down the canvas.

Here's my beautiful girl.  How I love her!  She'll be starting her first year of public school after being homeschooled.  She's hoping to "get" the art class that she signed up for.

She was really happy with the result.  But -- she's got a little more planned.  BELIEVE me!

I love her twist on things!  She's not afraid to be an individual.  This girl has a really strong self-concept, and I'm praying that it will serve her well as she starts high school!  I know she's going to do great -- and will be a "bright light" wherever she goes!

Here's to summertime.  And crayons.  And loving the person God made you to BE!

Linking up here:


  1. Oh your daughter has the sweetest smile and her crayon project turned out so cute!!

  2. I love this! Such a cute idea to add the text at the bottom.

    PS. I love your daughter's glasses, very stylish!

  3. Sally,

    I love this! How did I miss this on Pinterest! What a fun idea!



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one, and truly enjoy "conversations" with you! ~Sally