
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pinterest: Lemon Poppy-Seed Cake

I've been waiting for just the right opportunity to make this Lemon Poppyseed Cakecake, and guess what?  An opportunity didn't come up, so my daughter and I just decided we'd go for it anyway.  It's a super-simple recipe from McCormick (you know, the spice people.)

If (like me) you wouldn't typically have lemon extract or poppy-seeds on hand, you might be surprised to see their price.  I grabbed mine at a 50% off spice sale at our local grocery store.  It pays to watch for those sales! Apparently poppy seeds are little bits of GOLD.  Who knew?  LOL

Anyways, with all of my supplies finally on hand, we were ready to go for it.

Seriously, I think I've been dreaming of this recipe for so long that I actually thought I had a bundt pan. Apparently, however, I gave that to Goodwill a long time ago because it was just taking up space.  Well, phooey.  I DO, however, have an angel food cake pan - so we made do.  Honestly, it worked just fine -- but the shape was a little wonky -- at least when you see just a slice.  No worries.  I'm pretty sure it'll taste just as good!

We decided that we didn't want an entire cake sitting on the counter-top begging to be eaten.  So, we cut the cake in quarters, cut each quarter into four slices, and put the slices into squarish plastic freezer containers. We kept out four slices so that we'd have a treat tonight.  We don't usually do dessert -- just every now and then, so thawing those pieces from the freezer here and there will be perfect!

P.S.  The verdict?  DE-LI-cious!

I'm linkin up HERE.


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  1. That cake looks delicious! I love the fresh taste of lemon!

  2. An easy twist on one of my son's fav. cakes! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Yum... looks delish!


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