
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Like a Wave

Our daughter has been gone for two days, hard at work in the community.  We haven't heard specific details from her, but her leader is blogging daily, and things seem to be going well.  Last night was a much cooler night, and I was so thankful.  They are sleeping in the ministry building, which is an old church, and NOT air-conditioned.

I had a busy day yesterday, and when I got a moment of down-time, it came over me like a wave.  I really miss my girl.  I'm hoping that she might sneak one of her experiences into a blog story -- as the students are often asked to share.  (Or maybe I'll give her the chance to share HERE when she gets home!)

Today's another day.  Please pray for a little boy -- we'll call him "J".  Apparently he has connected with, and is following around one of the boys on the ministry team.  A leader mentioned that J has never connected with ANYone.  This is precious for both boys.  Please pray that much encouragement and love would be shared between the two of them this week, as J seems to come from a difficult family situation.

Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Sorry that you're missing your daughter... praying for their mission!


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